Monday, March 12, 2007

I took your advice for my workout today, Josh! 10 mins. powerwalk then 5 minutes sprint, etc. for half an hour...and then another half hour on the elliptical. The sauna is definately a must-try for those of you who havn't tried it (*ahem* Josh)! I come out lookin like a tomato though cuz it's about 55 degrees in there. Anyhoo, here are the stats for today:

30 mins. treadmill, incline 2, speed 7

30 mins. elliptical, level 4

I took your advice for my workout today, Josh! 10 mins. powerwalk then 5 minutes sprint, etc. for half an hour...and then another half hour on the elliptical. The sauna is definately a must-try for those of you who havn't tried the sauna! I come out lookin like a tomato though cuz it's about 55 degrees in there. Anyhoo, here are the stats for today:

30 mins. treadmill, incline 2, speed 7

30 mins. elliptical, level 4


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Another date with my treadmill

Worked out while talking to crazy little Tamryn...very entertaining and hyperactive. I think her giggles give me more motivation than workout music ;) LOL

40 mins. treadmill, incline 2, speed 5.8

Monday, February 26, 2007

20 mins. Stair Master, level 8
25 mins. Speed walking on the treadmill, speed 5.6, incline 2

Saturday, February 24, 2007

February 22

Worked out at home on my favourite treadmill, while watching SMALLVILLE!!!

35 mins., speed: 5.7 Incline:1

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Morning workouts are soooo refreshing :)

For those of you who are not morning people, I encourage you to TRY waking up earlier than you usually do and hit the gym - it really helps to wake you and give you that extra boost of energy. I usually feel very lethargic and tired whenever I sit through long, boring lectures then go straight to the library for more sitting...that's why I try to move whenever I can, including taking the stairs rather than the escalators which always happen to be right beside the stairs =p...some people think I'm crazy lol.

Today has been my second workout ever since I "virtually" joined running club. Josh, the online accountability record is a brilliant idea, and I already feel connected to the community, even though I probably may never have the chance to workout with you guys. This will be a great way to challenge and encourage each other, and to really act as a team.

I'm surprised at how extremely empty the Ryerson gym is during the morning...which I love. No need to wait in line for equpiment and the air seems much cleaner (less B.O and other people using my precious oxygen LOL). As I went to my 10 o'clock class after doing my regular cardio, I felt great, and that I've accomplished something to start off my day. So the following shows what I did yesterday, which I wasn't able to blog, and what I did today:

February 5 - 30 mins. treadmill, speed 5.1, incline 4
February 6 - 20 mins. treadmill, speed 5.3, incline 4.4
- 20 mins. elliptical, level 3

I was also reading in a health and fitness magazine that when you're choosing the levels on the elliptical, you should choose a higher level for bulk and go slower, and choose a lower level (around 2-3) and go faster if you're looking for long, lean muscles. Maybe that's common sense to most of you already =)

Okie, that's it for now...toodles~ keep up the good work guys

Saturday, February 3, 2007

First entry

This is my first time creating a blog:) YAY!!!! I am so excited to workout and have CCF and friends keep me accountable! Let's do this!