Monday, March 12, 2007

I took your advice for my workout today, Josh! 10 mins. powerwalk then 5 minutes sprint, etc. for half an hour...and then another half hour on the elliptical. The sauna is definately a must-try for those of you who havn't tried it (*ahem* Josh)! I come out lookin like a tomato though cuz it's about 55 degrees in there. Anyhoo, here are the stats for today:

30 mins. treadmill, incline 2, speed 7

30 mins. elliptical, level 4

I took your advice for my workout today, Josh! 10 mins. powerwalk then 5 minutes sprint, etc. for half an hour...and then another half hour on the elliptical. The sauna is definately a must-try for those of you who havn't tried the sauna! I come out lookin like a tomato though cuz it's about 55 degrees in there. Anyhoo, here are the stats for today:

30 mins. treadmill, incline 2, speed 7

30 mins. elliptical, level 4


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Another date with my treadmill

Worked out while talking to crazy little Tamryn...very entertaining and hyperactive. I think her giggles give me more motivation than workout music ;) LOL

40 mins. treadmill, incline 2, speed 5.8